Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Earthquake Car Would You Feel An Earthquake If You Were Driving In A Car?

Would you feel an earthquake if you were driving in a car? - earthquake car

Could / would / Can / Do you feel an earthquake while driving, if happen?


A.Ganapathy India said...

You will feel the earthquake, when you move and do not budge. But it is by the magnitude of the earthquake and the distance to the epicenter, where they chose. The car is shaking differ in their movement, if you do not distinguish between shocks to concealment.

nick s said...

All the gods, you've seen pictures of bridges falling California earthquake and Kobe? Do you have the large cracks and sinking 15 feet during the earthquake in 1964 in Alaska on Earth?

I do think you may find suddenly disappeared when the road under you, or carry out the road ahead by 15 meters, right?

8 Earthquake A judge is often a lot of vertical movement - the people are released into the air.

But to be fair, 5 judges can be a vibration, but it can be seen in a car.

We had an earthquake that has spilled about 2,000 liters of water in the pool, while the other side of the house, he felt nothing.

nightech... said...

It depends on the scale. If it's a small earthquake, probably not. I was in the passenger seat, when a replica of the Bay Area after the Loma Prieta earthquake struck, but not feeling too. Force of the largest earthquakes in the end would feel like the Loma Prieta earthquake of principal.

Scott L said...

My wife was driving during the earthquake of Loma Prieta. She thought she had a flat tire and stopped in a parking lot. Another woman from the same reason, and realized that he had been an earthquake.

Scott L said...

My wife was driving during the earthquake of Loma Prieta. She thought she had a flat tire and stopped in a parking lot. Another woman from the same reason, and realized that he had been an earthquake.

Scott L said...

My wife was driving during the earthquake of Loma Prieta. She thought she had a flat tire and stopped in a parking lot. Another woman from the same reason, and realized that he had been an earthquake.

seafoodm... said...

This size will depend on how big the file. If the amplitude is lower than it is more likely than not to hear. If the amplitude is extremely high definently what it would feel.

shortgil... said...

I was probably the EQ-Chino Hills last week while driving. But the car does not diminish the effect if they feel in general less likely younger.

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